We are a manual / semi-automated assembly company active in several industries: automotive, office furniture, education seating, and molding and assembly of optical silicone.
Ventura consistently wins top supplier awards, because our approach to manufacturing exceeds our customers' expectations.
First we standardize, and then we focus on improving one controllable item at a time. We use change as a powerful catalyst for innovation and improvement. We leverage our global footprint, process design, and supply chain management expertise to make your projects soar!
We believe that every product and process can be improved. Cost, quality, and speed to market are your key metrics, so we use our strongest assets (process design, global footprint, and supply chain management) to transform your bottom line. We create real savings by improving designs, eliminating defects, leveraging global partnerships, reducing waste, and solving complex problems.
If you need a seismic shift in supplier performance, Ventura is the partner for you.